The PLUS Project

Performing and Living Under Stress

The PLUS project began as a fairly conventional course in stress management and evolved into a more in-depth approach to stress and change management. By focusing on new ways of perceiving, thinking, feeling and relating, it goes beyond basic stress-busting tools to provide a lasting approach to life mastery.

Today's workplace asks you to maintain high performance in the face of job uncertainty. How do you deal with both? How can you live with not knowing about the future, perform with effectiveness and enthusiasm, and still have a life at home?

The PLUS Project is more than a surface solution to this dilemma. It introduces a way of performing and living at work or at home that is rooted in self-knowledge and empowerment: living from the inside out.

The project will include:

  • developing body-mind-emotional awareness
  • learning the art of healthy control--how we see and respond to events, co-workers, family and friends
  • mastering creative skills to reduce the anxiety of uncertainty

The PLUS approach is based on the four cornerstones of awareness, emotional truth, integrity and vital relationship and offers any or all of the following content modules:

  • The Basic MindBody Skills and Awareness
  • Thinking, Believing and Stress
  • Emotions and Stress
  • Relationships
  • Problem Solving
  • Shame, Pride and Self-esteem
  • Meditation

The PLUS Project can be tailored to the specific needs of any management or employee/staff group and is being offered by Andrew Seubert.

What we do

Keep it simple

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