Generous Listening

Krista Tippett, the host of the On Being podcast and author of Becoming Wise, speaks of “generous listening”—an attitude of open-hearted curiosity that says I want to understand what is …

Champion of Kindness

When African bushmen come across and greet each other, one initiates the greeting with “I see you!”, the reply being, “I am here!” On the day of New Year’s Eve, …

Expectation and Resentment

In a recent Science of Mind issue, Michael Gott wrote that an old timer in Alcoholics Anonymous once said that “expectations are resentments in training.” When I think about what …

The Child in Every Grownup

As I walked the other morning listening to Krista Tippet’s interview with Alain de Botton, I was struck with how I had been raised by two children. Not literally, of …

Sculpting the Real Self

Sculpting the Real Self   I once read that Michaelangelo was asked how he managed to create the magnificent statue of David, and he replied that he carved away all …

Eclipse of the Heart

Eclipse of the HeartRev. Michael Gott used the metaphor of an eclipse in the Science of Mind magazine–a metaphor that I also used in describing my experience in Riptide.  An …

Self-Trust and Leaving Home

Self-Trust and Leaving HomeSometimes we don’t start leaving home until well into middle age or beyond. Some folks never do. (This may be apparent if you are a regular consumer …

Connection v. Protection

When I see a couple in which fight or flight (attacking or shutting down as typical relational conflict strategies) is happening, I know that the only way to begin healing the dispute is to follow Einstein’s advice to transcend the level at which the problem was created.